Keep up to date with the businesses and events that we spotlight each day on our social media streams in one spot and without having to be on those social media streams! This is your Daily Update.
Here’s today’s list of events in Brevard County and where you can listen to live music and it’s brought to you by Doug Herrell Plumbing, Brevard’s #1 Choice for Polybutylene Piping Replacement. Click on the image below to see the list.
This looks interesting! @Runway Rooftop Bar & Grill.
The chill in the air over the next few days are just to get you ready for next week’s real cold snap. Expect to see an afternoon high in the mid 60’s today and those dry season conditions have settled back in for the foreseeable future. And yes, next week’s slogan will be Bundle up Brevard.
This new attraction that the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is building out at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center is going to be pretty wild and we can’t wait to see it open up this year! Click on the image below to read more.
Fluoride or no fluoride, that is the question. It’s another one of those things that seems to divide people these days and there’s no right answer is there? Regarding the discussion they plan on having during the City of Palm Bay – Government‘s city council meeting, people need to understand that Palm Bay hasn’t put fluoride in their water for almost a decade. That at least in my household hasn’t led to any need to go to the dentist to take care of any cavities, but that’s just four people in a city of well over 100,000. I don’t know wha tthe right answer is and this will be one of those topics that continues to divide us since everyone thinks they are right. Click on the image below to read more.
Yes Mel’s Tiki Cafe on A1A in beachside Melbourne has a variety of fresh smoothies available every day!
Indian River Coffee Co. on Sarno Road in Melbourne is ready for another year of getting you your favorite coffee drinks each day and they do have a drive thru window if you’re in a hurry!
Wake up with a Wake Up Burrito at The Tiny Turtle in Downtown Cocoa Beach to get ready for another day!
Locally owned ATH Trailer Sales and Repair on Avocado Av.e in Melbourne has a wide variety of trailers on the lot and they’re ready to make a deal if you’re in the market for a new one.
Does a new year mean you’re in the market for a new ebike? Someguysebikes on Wickham Road in West Melbourne backs up their sales with two years of parts and service!
It’s never too early to start “spring cleaning” and if that’s a task you’re not feeling like tackling this year, let A Swift Solution Cleaning Inc. take care of it for you.
Yes, there’s always a chance that even though you think your roof needs to be replaced, it doesn’t. And 3LP Roofing will make sure you’re not being taken advantage of just to get another roof under their belt.
You’ve still got time to take advantage of this deal from Triton Brite Exterior Solutions LLC, so click over to their post for more info.
It’s pretty important to have your tires inspected on a regular basis as you might think everything is fine, but it really isn’t. And having a tire fail while you’re on 95 is not something you ever want to happen. Winner Auto Center on US1 in Cocoa is always ready to make sure you know what condition your tires are in and to get you new ones if they’re needed as well as to help you understand why they are wearing a certain way.
Get your kiddos out of the house today and go exploring! Fox Lake Park and Fox Lake Sanctuary in Titusville are both worth the drive from anywhere in the county. Thanks for spotlighting these parks Brevard County Parks & Recreation Department!
While 99% of the year we’re all concerned with our A/C keeping us cool, there are a few days where we want that heater ready to crank up to keep us warm (after all, many more people die each year from the cold than from heat). Quality Comfort Air Conditioning And Heating Inc. is always ready to make sure your A/C and heat are both ready to do the job you rely on them for.
An airboat ride is one of the most Florida things you can do when you have visitors come to down for a visit and these are some clips from my trip with Capt. Dennis at Lone Cabbage Fish Camp.
Yeah, it’s a bit on the chilly side this morning, but you could be living in the other 95% of the country where it’s a whole lot colder than it is here….
I’ll take living in Central Florida all year long as opposed to dealing with actual cold weather for months.
#lovewhereyoulive #welivewhereyouvacation
Our first upcoming events email newsletter of 2025 (it’s actually our first email newsletter of any kind) is going out this evening to get you ready for this weekend. The link to sign up to receive them is in comments below and yes it’s a good idea to receive our emails as they are a sure fire way for us to get information out to you. And yes moving forward we will be sending out more of them and they will all contain information that you won’t find on our social media streams. Here’s the link to sign up to receive our emails.

This page will be updated throughout the day as we add more content on our social media streams.
You’re probably already following our Facebook business page, but we also have a Facebook group page Destination Brevard.